Hace ya unos meses me topé accidentalmente con una página donde habían multitud de imágenes de máquinas virtuales para Virtualbox, en su momento ya hablamos de cómo habilitar los USB en Virtualbox, así que tampoco considero necesario hablar de este programa para emular sistemas operativos.
Las máquinas virtuales que nos encontramos en Virtualbox.org son todas de Sistemas Operativos basados en GNU/Linux, GNU/OpenSolaris, GNU/BSD y BSD además de otras, es decir, todos libres.
Además incluye la herramienta registerimage, una pequeña GUI para registrar las imágenes en VirtualBox de forma fácil.
Lo cierto es que es muy útil , eso sí, sino queremos ninguna configuración personalizada y nuestro único objetivo consiste en coger la imagen y empezar a utilizarlo para ver sus características. Te ahorra tiempo.
Aquí os dejo la lista (copiada tal cual) de las muchas opciones que hay:
GNU/Linux (GNU userland tools running on top of the
Linux kernel)
- CentOS (website): the installation is done from the DVD, with default parameters set
- Damn Small Linux (website): the installation is done from the CD, with default parameters set.
- Debian (website): the installation has been done from the netinstall ISO image for the x86 architecture.
- DeLi Linux (website).
- Dreamlinux (website): the installation has been done from the CD, with default parameters set.
- Fedora (website).
- Fluxbuntu (website): the installation is done from the CD, with default parameters se
- Archlinux (website).
- Gentoo (website): the installation is done from the ISO image, then customized .
- gNewSense (website): the installation is done from the CD, with default parameters set.
- gOS (website).
- Kubuntu (website): the installation is done from the CD, with default parameters set.
- LinuxMint (website): the installation is done from the CD, with default parameter set.
- Mandriva (website): the installation is done from the CD, with default parameters set.
- Moblin 2 (website): the installation is done from the .img/.iso file provided by the project.
- moonOS (website).
- OpenSUSE (website).
- PCLinuxOS (website).
- Puppy Linux (website).
- Sidux (website).
- Slackware (website): the installation has been done from the first CD, selecting the bare minimum disk sets.
- SliTaz (website)
- Tiny Core Linux (website)
- TinyMe (website)
- Ubuntu (website): the installation is done from the CD, with default parameters set.
- Ubuntu Studio (website): the installation is done from the CD, with default parameters set
- Xubuntu (website): the installation is done from the CD, with default parameters set.
- VectorLinux (website):the installation is done from the CD, with default parameters set.
- Zenwalk (website): the installation is done from the Standard Edition CD, with default parameters set.
- AROS (website): the installation has been done from the nightly build ISO image.
- FreeDOS (website): the installation has been done from the official ISO image.
- Haiku (website): the image has been done from the nightly build HDD raw image.
- MINIX (website): the installation has been done from the official ISO image (MINIX 3).
- ReactOS (website): the installation has been done from the official ISO image.
- SYLLABLE (website): the installation has been done from the official ISO image.
- Android-x86 (website): the istallation has been done from the daily ISO image
Así que ya no hay excusas pra probar cualquier sistema operativo, ya ni siquiera tienes que crear la imagen virtual.
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Fundador y administrador del blog. Gran fan de todo lo relacionado con la tecnología y de GNU/Linux en particular.
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